Whether you’re planning a short break and don’t need to take a 20kg suitcase full of clothes, or whether you just travel light wherever you’re going, I’ve collated a list of 10 things to always pack in your hand luggage.
Living in the UK allows us Brits quick and easy access to so many countries, particularly those in Europe. For my family at least, this meant being able to take plenty of holidays abroad when I was growing up. Of course, as a child, I had no input whatsoever as to what got packed into the cases. But, fast forward to adulthood and – whilst my adulting skills are definitely not on point – I’ve got packing hand luggage nailed!
As I try to fit most of my travelling around a 9 to 5 job, a lot of my trips are short breaks and so I just take a small case that fits into an overhead locker on the plane. Keep scrolling for a list of things I ALWAYS pack in my hand luggage and the things I think you should too.
I haven’t included phones, purses/wallets, house keys or passports as I feel like these are a little obvious, aren’t they?
1. Glasses
Ok, when I said “always” I really meant “when I’m not a numpty and forget” (I forgot to take my glasses to Bali with me and it was a whole saga).
About 75% of the entire world’s population need to wear glasses or contact lenses to correct their vision. I’m one of them, and chances are you’re another one. Personally, I much prefer to wear contact lenses as glasses just tend to annoy me after a few hours. But I (usually) never take a trip without carrying my glasses with me juuuuust in case. ‘Cause you know, sometimes contact lenses just love dropping right out of your eye onto your cheek when you blink. I’m serious, this actually happens.
So, if you’re one of the ones making up the 75% figure and like me, prefer contact lenses, take your glasses anyway. Have them with you on the plane as a backup.
Also, sunglasses. If they’re not on my head or hooked onto my t-shirt, they’re in my hand luggage. If you arrive at your destination to bright sunshine (seasonal or otherwise), having them handy in your hand luggage is far easier than rummaging through your main suitcase for them.
2. Spare contact lenses, a contact lens pot and contact lens solution
Bit of a theme here.
Of course, if I’m only going on a short trip and am therefore only taking hand luggage (‘carry on’ for you non-Brits), then these items will be in the main suitcase. If I’m going on a longer trip and have my main contact lens stash in my big ol’ suitcase then I always make sure I’ve got spares, a pot and a 100ml bottle of solution with me in the cabin.
The constant recycling and circulation of air on the plane not only dries out your skin, it dries out your eyes too. If you’re a fellow contact lens wearer you’ll have probably also experienced the dry aeroplane eyes and wish you could pinch those lenses right out to give your eyes a breather.
Also, sometimes lenses rip, you drop them down the sink or they get scratched. It’s so handy to always have a back-up for these events and when it’s your eyesight that’s involved, you can’t afford not to.
3. A pen
“What the heck do you need a pen for?”. Well, you never know! A lot of countries require you to fill out immigration cards before landing and an entire plane full of people needing to share a couple of pens probably wouldn’t be a raging success.
Also, puzzles. Duh. Maybe you take a puzzle book with you. Or maybe you grab one of those free newspapers before boarding the plane and you fancy a go at the crossword. Or, perhaps you’re old school and want to write a physical journal while you’re away. Side note: I wish I was one of the journal keepers out there, but I’m not.
I take a pen because I usually always take a puzzle book of some kind. Especially on long haul flights. Call me a geek, whatever. Sometimes my eyes (remember those dry eyes we spoke about?) need a break from the screen on the back of the plane seat. Sometimes it’s not comfortable enough for a nap. And sometimes I just don’t fancy reading. So, whack out a pen and a puzzle book et voilá – entertainment.
4. A reusable water bottle
Not even sure I need to explain this one. Humans need water to survive. The planet needs less single use plastic.
I carry a water bottle basically everywhere I go because I’m a thirsty person. I drink a LOT of water. Always have done, always will. When I’m travelling, I take an empty water bottle through security and fill it up at a water fountain the other side. Almost every airport will have somewhere you can fill up your bottle that’ll save you purchasing an extortionately priced plastic bottle of water at the departure gates.
Once you’re at your destination, you can use your bottle throughout the entire trip to ensure you stay hydrated while you’re out exploring.
5. Kindle (or a book)
Having a Kindle in my hand luggage bag whilst travelling means that I’ve always got a book (or 20) handy in case of any delays at the airport, to read during the flight or simply just to read in bed at the hotel.
I absolutely LOVE having a Kindle, as it can store hundreds if not thousands of books at a time, meaning I’ll never run out of things to read. Whilst I do love a physical book too, when I’m travelling I don’t want to take up precious luggage space with bulky books.
If you don’t own a Kindle but are an avid reader, I really recommend buying one. They’re really not that expensive and I guarantee you’ll use it a LOT.
6. An umbrella
Maybe it’s because I’m a Brit and so I’m used to spontaneous and unseasonal rain, but I never go anywhere without an umbrella.
Nothing can dampen your mood more (pun intended) than arriving at your destination airport in the pouring rain and needing to drag your case outside to the bus terminal without cover. Much better to carry an umbrella with you and have it ready to spring open if the heavens do.
7. A camera
We’ve all got cameras on our phones that we use on the daily to snap away at our surroundings. But sometimes it’s good to have a camera handy for a better quality photo, or for when your phone’s about to run out of battery and you need to choose between the camera and the map.
I always carry my Canon camera with me when I travel, along with some spare fully charged batteries. You never know when you’re going to get a beautiful view from the train window en route from the airport to your hotel. Or even out of the plane window.
Plus, cameras are expensive and I for one don’t want to pack it into my hold suitcase and risk my case going AWOL.
8. A shawl or light scarf
Is this not the most useful, convenient, all-purpose item you could carry? Probably should have put it as point number one.
Having a light scarf or a shawl in your hand luggage is SO handy. Here are just a few of the ways you could use it:
- We’ll start with the obvious one – as a scarf. If you arrive to your destination and it’s cold, having a scarf you can instantly whip out is perfect.
- Fold it and use it as a pillow on the plane, train or in the taxi
- Use it as a blanket on the plane if the aircon gets a bit much (why are planes always cold?!)
- Throw it over your shoulders if you arrive at a more conservative destination and need an instant cover-up
9. A toothbrush and toothpaste
These are so handy to have with you on the plane, as it’s a quick and easy way to feel fresh before landing.
Whether you’ve just scoffed a bag of sour cream pretzels or have had one too many coffees, a quick brush of your teeth will make you feel so much better. Especially if you’re meeting someone at the airport. Coffee breath isn’t the one.
10. A spare outfit
This one is redundant if the only luggage you’re taking is hand luggage, as of course (I hope) you’ll pack clothes.
I’ve included this for the scenario that you’re taking a main suitcase plus a hand luggage bag. If the worst happens and your main suitcase goes missing, having a spare outfit in your hand luggage will at least provide you with a change of underwear and clothes for the following day.
Luckily, I’ve only experienced a missing case once in all my travels, but I arrived in Tonga with just the clothes on my back and waited 5 long days for my case to arrive from New Zealand. It wasn’t the best place to arrive with no spare clothes, as Tonga isn’t exactly swarming with clothes shops or shopping malls. I definitely learnt my lesson and since then have always carried a spare outfit in my hand luggage should that happen again!
So, there you have it. A list of 10 things to always pack in your hand luggage. You’re welcome.
If there are other items you travel with that are essential to you, let us know what they are in the comments!
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