Nina (squinting into the bright sunshine) at the Parco Sempione on New Year's Day 2017 in Milan

Why I Chose To Start A Blog

8th April 2021

There are a few reasons why I’ve chosen to start a blog. Actually, I made the choice about four years ago, in 2017. It’s only now in 2021 that I’ve published it.

I know, I know, all of the blogging pros and coaches out there are almost certainly screaming at me right now (or would be if they were reading this!). Should have started straight away, shouldn’t have wasted four years procrastinating, etc. There are no legit reasons why it’s taken me this long to get it off the ground, except for a lot of faffing, doubting and waiting for the “perfect time”.

There is no perfect time and I’ll never not faff or doubt myself. It’s only now that I’m 31 years old and a year into a global pandemic that I’ve finally (FINALLY) got my butt in gear.

So Why Start A Travel Blog?

Well, as you may have noticed, I love to travel. Like, I’m obsessed.

But on top of that, I love being creative. For my entire life I’ve loved making things like handmade birthday cards, gift tags for presents and paper decorations for my home. There’s always been a bit of an artistic streak in me. Writing is another thing I really enjoy, albeit I’ve not done a lot of it thus far.

View of my overlooking the Minack Theatre in Cornwall, with blue sky and a sea view

I grew up with the notion that I had to get a “proper” job and earn good money, to be able to buy a house, get married and have children. The standard life that society tells you to get. So, after school I went to university, left after three months (essays, referencing and living in gross student halls – no thanks) and started a full time job. That was back in 2008/2009 and I’ve now been working in a “proper” 9 to 5 office job for 11 years.

But, I never actually wanted that lifestyle. Sure, maybe some day I’d want to own a house, get married and have children, but I’ve never been one to want to follow the norm. Never wanted to join the rat race and spend most of my waking hours at a job I’m not that interested in.

When I discovered four years ago that there were people called Travel Bloggers, who ran their own websites, travelled the world and got paid to do it, I instantly knew I’d found my calling.

What Do I Expect From Blogging?

Blogging to me means that one day I could potentially work entirely for myself, with the flexibility and freedom that comes with that. I could maybe be location independent and be creative in the form of writing, photography, website design and general content creation. Don’t get me wrong, I’m fully aware that this lifestyle isn’t easy, straightforward or with minimal work. I’m down for the long hours, stress, (more) self-doubt and that it will very likely take me years to get to the point where I can quit my regular job and do this full time.

I’m not naive to it at all and that’s a BIG reason why I’ve procrastinated so much and have put off starting it until now. But enough’s enough. I still (after four years of faffing) want to do this and try to make a go of this. Time to take the bull by the horns, start a blog and start creating the lifestyle I want!

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  • Reply
    13th April 2021 at 11:23 am

    Well written Nina, it is totally you!
    Good luck with this! 🌎✈️⛴ xx

    • Reply
      13th April 2021 at 11:31 am

      Yay thank you! Glad it comes across how I am in real life! xxx

  • Reply
    12th April 2021 at 8:16 am

    Congrats on the launch Nina 🚀 Very proud of you and your writing is fab! So engaging to read, wishing you so much luck with this. Em xxx (a potato, a potato)

    • Reply
      12th April 2021 at 1:31 pm

      Thank youuuu! So glad you like it dude! Of course you have to sign off with ‘a potato, a potatoooo’! xxx

  • Reply
    11th April 2021 at 12:09 pm

    Finally!!! You’ve certainly never been one to do what’s expected and that in my opinion can only be a good thing!

    Looking forward to reading what’s written so far, over a nice cuppa….next best thing to actually being able to get out there and travel for now! 😬 🌍

    • Reply
      11th April 2021 at 3:00 pm

      I know, it’s taken me too long! Excited and nervous to be finally sharing it with the world!

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